Do you ever sit in a coffee shop, take a walk in the park, or stand in line at the airport and take a moment to look at the people around you? Not just a glance, but a peering into the soul? I'm brought to tears nearly every day as the Lord allows me to look into the heart of perfect strangers. I never fail to be touched beyond words as the struggles, the fears, and the dreams of another flash before my eyes. It's like watching a silent film with the actors sitting beside you tell you each thought and feeling they had during that part of the movie.
A washing came over me this morning as I spent my quiet time with the Lord. I awoke with a burdened heart and I knew instantly what the cause of it was. Sometimes it's a guessing game and it takes much prayer to determine the cause. This morning, however, the answer was clear as crystal.
Falling down on my face as my eyes filled with tears, I asked the Lord to forgive me for my selfcenteredness. How I waste my time trying to make things work out my way instead of allowing God to lead my every step. It is a constant battle and I often wonder if I tire the Lord with my stubborness. If I know that God's plans are better than my own, why do I keep pressing to do things my way? My plans fall short and I always end up wishing I had done things His way.
I ran across a song today that reminded me how much the Lord has changed my view of people. I used to look at them with no empathy and with little consideration about anything besides what was happening in my life at that time. Over time and the closer I have grown to God the more the way I see the world has changed. He has healed my vision so that I now see others and life's situations through His eyes. Although I now stand at the crossroad of life I stand without fear for, although the way is unclear to my human eyes, I find comfort in knowing that the Holy Spirit will show me the way.
Dare to trust the Lord in all things. It's worth the sacrifice. It's worth the journey. It's worth the search and worth the praying. It's worth everything.
Take a look at the people around you. The Lord has caused each of them to cross your path for a specific reason. Where your instincts are to judge, choose instead to pray. Where your instincts are to be angry, choose instead to smile. Where your insticts are to ignore, choose instead to reach out. Where your instincts are to hurt, choose instead to be kind. Where your human nature tells you to retaliate, choose instead to love. And where your flesh tells you to turn a blind eye to the pain around you, choose instead to see.
Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I've been missing
Give me Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Father, give me a heart like yours.
Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes <~~ Be Touched
We all love that song...
ReplyDeleteBeing a mother helps you to learn to have a heart like that, because children don't hold back when wanting to say what they think. It is often that my children will see someone that is homeless and we stop to pray or see someone that has let anger overtake them in a store, we stop and pray, etc. I am humbled by their giving and selfless little spirits.
xoxo, Veronica