Who among us hasn't, at one time or another, been asked the age old question "Why is the sky blue?" or, better yet, "Where do babies come from?" Although there is only one answer to each of these questions, you will find that rarely is the true answer ever articulated. In fact, it's become the norm to respond with a false answer. Here are some typical responses a child receives in regards to the second question:
"Then you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free."
Perhaps the reason I so deeply consider this subject is because I have always been a Truth-seeker. It makes me smile as I recall the times as a child when I would ask my parents "why?" after every question they would answer. By the time I got to the eleventh "why?" my parents would say, "You're just playing games. Go outside and play." Every time they would say this I would end up walking away frustrated and confused. I longed to know the true answers to my questions. It hurt me to think that my parents were keeping the answers from me when I wanted desperately to know the Truth.
I recently received an e-mail from a Christian teenage boy who asked me and three other women what our opinion was on girls wearing bikinis. Were we for or against them? Do we think it's wrong or do we think it's not a big deal? My heart went out to the boy as the three women proceeded to tease him about the way he worded his question, the fact that he wasn't knowledgable about different styles of swimsuits, and the fact that he was letting the question bother him in the first place. My heart broke as he told the women that he was now embarrassed that he asked. The Lord burdened my heart to write him a private e-mail sharing with him what the Word of God says about the topic and to tell him that I wish more people would seek the Truth like he does. The words of my e-mail were Spirit-filled and full of Scripture. The boy responded to my e-mail by telling me that this was exactly the answer he was looking for and thanked me profusely for sharing it with him.
I don't tell you this story to elevate myself, for the words were the Lord's alone. I share this with you so that you may consider the importance of questions and the value of the Truth. How I pray that we make the choice, from this day forward, to adopt a Biblical worldview and to hold to the wisdom found in Scripture, even when it's inconvenient. Who has ever made a difference by doing what was easy or convenient? It's those who dare to start brushfires in the minds of others that will find that the only thing left standing in the end is the Truth.
May we cherish every time someone asks us "why?" and may we also come to realize that every answer we give may determine whether someone walks in the darkness of the world or the light of God's Truth.
"Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened for you."
~ Matthew 7:7
As a daughter, one of the most amazing gifts my mother gave me was the truth... in every subject, and I am so thankful for that.
ReplyDeleteAs a mother, I have chosen to not lie to my children about anything, not even Santa ;0)...I do believe their are some things that are only to be fully disclosed at age appropriate times, but how I enjoy that they know if they ask me something they are going to get the truth. This gives them a sense of security and encourages them to stand up for what they believe.
Oh, and just last night I got the "Mom, how did the baby get in your belly?" question from Christian. How I love discussing this with them and how it makes them ponder life. Why would we as parents lie when our Heavenly Father holds no truth from us? And, honestly, telling the truth is so much more fun... hearing him try to repeat some of the stuff I told him last night was cracking me up!!!
Another P.S.
ReplyDeleteI think it is hilarious that the pic of the little boy in glasses reminds me of Chris when he was little. Too cute! (It was so SWEEET seeing you both yesterday!)
humm..great thoughts!
ReplyDeleteI just wonder how this will change when you have kids...
usually I hear "why" when it's time to obey....more like "but why do I have to clear off the table and not my sister."
anyway, the truth can be pointed to even in that. Especailly if it makes us as parents in the habit for this as they grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord.
Thanks for sharing these thoughts on "WHY"
I'm seconding that picture looks like a little Christopher !! I too don't lie to my kids, obviously age appropriateness is important but teach your children the ways of the Lord and when they are older they will not depart from it. Good words there to live by ;D
ReplyDeleteWHY? is a very frequent question in our house too. But what a joy to be the one my kids are seeking those answers from and not someone at school.
I'm still waiting for part 2 of the Texas Teaser pictures !