If you're anything like me, when you hear the word "Warrior" an image like this one comes to mind. We imagine a person, typically male, who is strong, courageous, fearless, and bold... a man fighting a battle that he cannot afford to lose. In many ways, we are just like that warrior. We, as Christians, have a worthy battle we're fighting, yet ours is not against flesh and blood like this soldier's is. In actuality, our battle is far more dangerous and much more crucial to win:
"[For our struggle is] against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." ~ Ephesians 6:12b
You see, our battle is so dangerous because it's one that we can't physically SEE. This makes it so much harder to dodge arrows to our most fragile and susceptible places. And let's be honest, without armor, we really don't stand much of a chance. That's what makes it so crucial to our success in battle.
Here's a full list, according to Ephesians 6:14-17, of the armor necessary to fight the spiritual battle we face as Belivers:

1. Belt of Truth
2. Breastplate of Righteousness
3. Shoes to spread the Gospel of Peace
4. Shield of Faith
5. Helmet of Salvation
6. Sword of the Spirit (The Word of God)
The following will also aid you in battle:
1. Praying in the Spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayers and requests.
2. Being ALERT!
3. Continuously praying for the saints.
The conclusion of these things = Being FEARLESS to share the Gospel!

As I sat and pondered each element of armor, I couldn't help but ask myself, "Am I missing something?" You see, if we refuse to surrender our strongholds in order to take on the FULL armor of God, we are leaving ourselves vulnerable to attack. And let's not be deceived into thinking that we can get away without any single one of these pieces, for warriors are strongest in battle when they are fully protected.
My challenge to us all, friends, is to pray over each piece of armor that is listed in Ephesians 6 and ask God to show us what we are missing. Whether we feel like we are under attack or not, we are... and the only way to be successful is to surrender our strongholds to the Lord and ask Him to equip us with each and every piece of armor He has provided. Then, and only then, will we be able to go out and fight the good fight standing on solid rock.
May freedom from chains be yours today and may the protective armor of God shield you from the battle that lies ahead!
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