Last year, one of my favorite Bible teachers, Beth Moore, shared a profound thought that hit me like a ton of bricks. It forced me to reach deep down inside myself and reconsider everything I had believed about the longings of my heart and the ways I had been attempting (and failing miserably) to satisfy them. As I paraphrase the thought, consider what areas in your own life this may apply to:
God created us with a hunger inside that can only be filled by Him. We can try and fill that hunger with money, fame, distractions, friends, and even our spouse or children, but we will still never be satisfied. In the end, we will only end up creating strife in our relationships by trying to fill a God-sized hole with human-sized fixes. It will never work. Instead, we must think of it this way: God is like mashed potatoes and our friends and family are the gravy. We should be so filled up and satisfied with God that any love we receive from others is just the gravy on top! Our relationships are meant to OVERFLOW us, not to FILL us.
The comparison may be humorous, but the reality of it isn't. I am not hard up for examples of times in my life when the opposite of the "mashed potatoes and gravy" theory has applied. In fact, I believe it's evident in every moment of loneliness, in each twinkling of fear, in every expression of discontentment. It's as if we're filling a hungry belly with a few sips of water and expecting to be nourished. You can color an egg blue, but it won't make it hatch. You can set your leg in a cast, but it won't heal a broken arm. You stay up till midnight studying your History textbooks, but they won't help you ace your Math quiz.
Silly examples? Perhaps. But are we not doing just that? If we viewed our hunger through the eyes of God, would we not be thinking, "But you're going at it all wrong..."? Isn't trying to make our spouse or children fit into God-sized shoes as ridiculous as trying to patch up a crack in the foundation of a house with a glob of mayonnaise? It's doomed to fail.
Human-sized fixes come in all shapes, sizes, an disguises. From our spouse's early promise to "give us the world," to a long-awaited pregnancy, to infomercials that tells us that self-esteem, popularity, and satisfaction can be ours for the low, low price of $19.95 + shipping and handling. We fall for these lies willingly because they are tangible and don't require faith to receive them. In an "instant" and insatiable society like ours, we would rather have an empty "here-and-now" than a satisfied "there-and-then". Trusting God to fill our emptiness requires a faith that we may not realize we're capable of, or a trust we may not believe will be rewarded. But we ARE capable, and we WILL be rewarded...
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." -Hebrews 11:6
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." - Hebrews 11:1
Let me put this plainly. No need in heaven or on earth is too big for the God who created it to fill. No desire, regardless of how great, is He unable or unwilling to meet. He is not only uniquely qualified to satisfy us emotionally and spiritually, but physically as well. Are you longing for an embrace? Ask Him to hold you. Do you feel you've lost your way? Ask Him to grab hold of your hand. Are you tired? Ask Him to give you rest.
"You have not because you ask not." -James 4:2b
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. -Matthew 7:7
If we will but choose to find our satisfaction in God, we will know a peace beyond comprehension. We will not only run and not grow weary, but we will walk and not be faint. He longs to satisfy you, dear friend.
Will you come and be filled?
Remember When We Danced
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
~ A Glimpse of Heaven ~

What a beautiful mystery life on Earth is! Who can know the sum of God's thoughts or what inspired Him to create such beauty, all in the name of love? I ponder these questions in my heart, though I know full well that I'll never truly comprehend their answers as long as I have breath.
As I sit upon the infamous ocean cliffs that, years ago, connected me to all the things I love most about the artist who created them (the crashing waves, the smell of salty air, the breeze blowing through my hair...), I'm reminded that this beautiful scenery is not only a gift from my Savior, but a self-portrait of Him. All these sights that energize me and make my heart leap for joy are merely a glimpse... a reflection of God's beauty, manifested in physical form.

So often we struggle with a God who seems intangible and distant to us. We long for His physical embrace; stroking our hair, caressing our cheek, and His hand holding ours as we struggle through life in a fallen world. But how many of us take the time to pause during our busy day and notice that these tangible desires are not absent from our relationship with Him? Can you imagine a triune and omnipresent God, who knows the precise count of hairs on our head, and yet is incapable or unwilling to fulfill the physical needs He created us with? God has not created us with a single need that He alone cannot fulfill. Though it's true that He often uses creation or other people to overflow our vats, there is not a single thing that we truly NEED that He can't fulfill.
Admittedly, all these thoughts beg the question: "Why, then, do we find ourselves longing for these God-created needs, only to conclude that, when all of our prayers and energies have been exhausted, God still doesn't reach down from Heaven and embrace us?"

The question "why?" is, without a doubt, one of the main things that keeps people from accepting Salvation. "Why does God allow pain and suffering?" "Why do bad things happen to 'good' people?" "Why doesn't God hear my prayers and heal my dying child?" Though these questions are heartfelt and genuine, the answers are not a secret... we usually just don't want to accept them. We may never fully understand the "why?", but we do know "how" it all came to be. Pain and suffering occur because we live in a sinful, fallen world. As long as we are still waiting for Christ to return, we will have to endure hardship and suffering.
In all of our questioning, there is one thing important to know: The Lord does not keep His touch from us. He sends us a breeze, rainfall, falling snow... and let us not forget those Spirit-filled "chills" we experience when our hearts are fully surrendered to Him and we know that He's about to do something great in us. We may not have the pleasure of God's full embrace until we spend Eternity with Him, but we must realize that He is still near and longing to touch us.

I implore you to find that place that makes you feel close to God (the beach, a beautiful church, the mountains, solitude...) and spend time with Him there often, if not daily. Stop trying to find God's touch in the hurriedness and distractions of the day and take a few moments to get away to that secret place where He can hold you in His arms and give your blessed heart a little glimpse of Heaven.
All My Love,
Kelley White
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Teachable Moments

Ah... teachable moments. Ever have one of those? Yesterday was my day and it was FULL of them. You probably know it as well as I do... it's a day where we find ourselves searching for something in others that can only be found in the Lord. I hate it when I do that, don't you? Ever notice how we always come up short and end up revealing the weakness in us we've tried so hard to conceal from others? Well, yesterday was my day of airing out my spiritual "dirty laundry". Trust me, it wasn't enjoyable! Who likes doing laundry anyway?!

So, amidst yesterday's filth and the realization that the Lord has a lot more work to do in me than I thought, did I actually end up learning something? This I can answer with a definitive "YES!" You see, I learned that not only is it Christ ALONE who is capable of satisfying our inner most needs and longings, but that it's not healthy or right for us to expect anyone else to fulfill His role in our lives. I know that it can be challenging to grab hold of this truth, especially when we're in desperate need of a "tangible" connection, but we must realize that all of the counterfeits we create will only leave us feeling more empty inside. There is only one God and no one else will ever do.
I challenge you today, my friend, to reflect on the longings within you. Are they meant to be fulfilled by others or were they given to you in order that they may be filled by Christ and Christ alone? It's a question worth asking and one that can truly save our friendships and relationships with others.
Let's never forget... there is ONE God. No one else will do.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
~ What We Could Miss ~
There is such a sadness deep within my heart today. This sadness, the kind that brings a person back to where they should be, is a sadness strangely accompanied by joy. Not a joy over the way things are, but the way they could be.
I remember a few years back, prior to my year and a half long illness, when I used to run miles along the shore every day. I ran, not because it felt good, but because it brought me closer to the Lord. Those were steps of obedience back then. I knew He was calling me to follow Him and I was determined to do so. I learned many years ago that sometimes the first step of obedience begins with a physical step; beating our body into submission and not allowing it to hold us back from reaching the places the Lord has prepared for us. If only we'll follow Him there, away from the distractions of life around us...

My walk with the Lord was such a refreshment to my soul back then. I used to get off work each day and head straight for these beautiful cliffs that overlooked the sea. I spent many hours of my pre-married life there, just soaking up the Lord's presence, singing His praises, and pouring out my heart to Him. I took the time to really listen for His voice back then and was so blessed when I could hear Him speaking to my soul. I remember one day, with tears in my eyes, I asked Him for a hug. I needed it so badly that day and I cried as I felt Him hold me.
Do you have days where you feel the Lord calling You to a place you used to spend time with Him? A place you feel Him beckoning you to return to, but you've allowed your obligations and to-do lists to keep you from going? I think of how I allow exhaustion and sickness to keep me from going to the very place where I will find rest and healing. My wonderful husband has even nudged me lovingly to go back there many times, but I tell myself that the experience won't be the same because I'm too sick to run now and the cliffs have become far too populated. Besides, I'm a married woman now with a baby due to arrive in 6 short weeks. That's excuse enough, isn't it?
...and that's when the tears come... because I realize that I am missing out on an opportunity to dance with the Lord. He's been waiting at the bottom of the stairs for His Cinderella to come for years now and, each time the clock strikes midnight and she doesn't appear, He feels a greater sadness in His heart. "Would she rather clean the house than dance with her prince? Has the man I gave to her in marriage taken my place in her heart? Has the child I blessed her womb with become a greater gift than my love for her?"
These are the things I feel as I share my heart with you today and I pray sincerely that it speaks to your life as well. I have grown so much in my walk with the Lord the past few years and yet continue to resist using the spiritual gifts that He has given me. These gifts, when used, bring refreshment to my soul and to others. So why do I keep running away from them? Am I afraid to let go of the control I THINK I have over my life? Do I fear that, by fulfilling my calling, I will end up having to trust the Lord with my every step from now on? After all, what if He flips my life upside down again or leads me away from the places and the people that make up my home now? I have always feared change and yet I realize that, aside from God, the only thing certain in life is change.
But what happens if I choose not to follow this path the Lord is leading me towards? Would the result of that choice be an even greater challenge to face? I don't know how much longer I can take the tears, the sleepless nights, the sadness, and the pain of longing to touch the star that the Lord created me to reach, and realizing that the only thing keeping me from touching it is MY unwillingness to reach out my hand and take it.
Are you at this place in life, too? Are you struggling to take a hold of the blessings the Lord has in store for you out of fear that everything is going to change? As we choose whether we're going to run towards or away from the path the Lord has planned for us, let us ask ourselves this one question:
Would I rather take a chance and trust the Lord, or leave it all behind and face what I could miss?
After all, "A person will never change until the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing."
Are you ready to close your eyes, hold out your hand, and really trust God with your life? Your star is waiting up there for you, my friend. Will you choose to reach for it?
~*~* Kelley *~*~
Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Warrior
If you're anything like me, when you hear the word "Warrior" an image like this one comes to mind. We imagine a person, typically male, who is strong, courageous, fearless, and bold... a man fighting a battle that he cannot afford to lose. In many ways, we are just like that warrior. We, as Christians, have a worthy battle we're fighting, yet ours is not against flesh and blood like this soldier's is. In actuality, our battle is far more dangerous and much more crucial to win:
"[For our struggle is] against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." ~ Ephesians 6:12b
You see, our battle is so dangerous because it's one that we can't physically SEE. This makes it so much harder to dodge arrows to our most fragile and susceptible places. And let's be honest, without armor, we really don't stand much of a chance. That's what makes it so crucial to our success in battle.
Here's a full list, according to Ephesians 6:14-17, of the armor necessary to fight the spiritual battle we face as Belivers:

1. Belt of Truth
2. Breastplate of Righteousness
3. Shoes to spread the Gospel of Peace
4. Shield of Faith
5. Helmet of Salvation
6. Sword of the Spirit (The Word of God)
The following will also aid you in battle:
1. Praying in the Spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayers and requests.
2. Being ALERT!
3. Continuously praying for the saints.
The conclusion of these things = Being FEARLESS to share the Gospel!

As I sat and pondered each element of armor, I couldn't help but ask myself, "Am I missing something?" You see, if we refuse to surrender our strongholds in order to take on the FULL armor of God, we are leaving ourselves vulnerable to attack. And let's not be deceived into thinking that we can get away without any single one of these pieces, for warriors are strongest in battle when they are fully protected.
My challenge to us all, friends, is to pray over each piece of armor that is listed in Ephesians 6 and ask God to show us what we are missing. Whether we feel like we are under attack or not, we are... and the only way to be successful is to surrender our strongholds to the Lord and ask Him to equip us with each and every piece of armor He has provided. Then, and only then, will we be able to go out and fight the good fight standing on solid rock.
May freedom from chains be yours today and may the protective armor of God shield you from the battle that lies ahead!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hadda Bad Day?

*Sigh*... do you ever have one of those days where all you feel like doing is sighing? Where, for one reason or another, your day has been so lousy that you wish you could just skip it altogether and wake up tomorrow?
"Answer me when I call to You, O my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress;
be merciful to me and hear my prayer."
~Psalm 4:1

What a beautiful and refreshing truth... that God's mercy is new every single morning. That's simply marvelous! BUT... what about this bad day? Is there any hope for recovery or is the only hope we have to go to bed early and start over again tomorrow? I mean, if God's mercy is new every morning, can it also be new every evening, or maybe even every hour? I can think of one place that will have the answer to that question...
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble."
~Psalm 46:1
You mean, God can extend His help and His new mercies ANY time of the day? Talk about a sigh of relief! I rarely get myself into a tizzy early in the morning, so I am definitely relieved to know that His promise extends throughout the day. Aren't you?
During my daily devotions today, the most needed Scripture I came across was Psalm 136. I encourage you to take a fresh look at it today and let these words especially sink in: "His love endures forever."
Chances are, you've heard this Psalm sung many times before and so the words may not be as meaningful to you at first glance, but if you'll put a personal touch to these Scriptures and insert your own very personal variables, I bet it will wash over you in a whole new way. I'll start... but then it's your turn.
I'll have times of joy and times of sorrow... but His love endures forever.
There'll be times of plenty and times of want... but His love endures forever.
My life may be stable and, at other times, shaky... but His love endures forever.
I will walk the right path or will choose the wrong one... but His love endures forever.
There'll be times to fight and times to surrender... but His love endures forever.
As you insert your own life challenges, my friends, don't forget to note the most important aspect of your relationship with God, for no matter what terrible troubles you may face in an hour, a day, or even an lifetime...

...and that's a promise. <3
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Price We Pay to "Have It All"

What woman hasn't picked up a magazine like this one and wished that she could be like the "picture perfect" person on the cover? We tell ourselves that, if only we had their body, wardrobe, fame, or fortune, all our troubles would be over. After all, doesn't the world tell us that these things will satisfy us? That true happiness is found in "having it all"? And so we wake up every morning, look in the mirror, and try our best to emulate the people we want to be like. And when we realize that we can't attain the perfection we desire, we give ourselves a heaping helping of pride and go on our way.
Pride has many clever facades. It disguises itself as insecurity and, at times, even humility. But we shouldn't be fooled or at all surprised when it doesn't satisfy us like we thought it would. Pride can feel good, really good... for a time. But time has a way of catching up with us and soon we find our precious pride has left us nothing more than empty promises. Sure it may be easy to hide behind, but that doesn't erase our desire to be seen as someone of worth.

Do you recognize the cover of this magazine? Surely you've seen many just like it at the grocery store check-out lines or in airport convenient stores. Looks like it's got some juicy gossip in there. Maybe you should read a page or two, just so you can see how truly messed up the stars in Hollywood are. It might even make you feel better about your life and how much more "put-together" you are than them. C'mon, what could it hurt to read a page or two? After all, how can you pray for these people if you don't know what's going on in their lives?
Sound all too familiar? I know I've had thoughts like these many times. But who do we think we're fooling? We like gossip because it makes us feel better about ourselves. Mr. Pride is knocking on our door once again, only now he tells us that we could never be like other people, not because they're better than us, but because we're better than them. And let's be real, we like it much better this way.

"Alexander Pope called it 'the never-failing vice of fools.' Pride--a destroyer of ministries, marriages, friendships, jobs, and character... To fulfill our God-given destinies-- to allow the King of all creation to show Himself through us-- we must overcome the temptation to seek our own glory by desiring His instead. If we are to recognize and allow God to free us from any areas of captivity, we must recognize pride as more than self-promotion. It's a dangerous lure to captivity." -Beth Moore, Breaking Free (emphasis mine)
I can't think of another word that better describes pride than deceptive. Pride sets itself up as our friend when it is actually our enemy. It covers our heart (which is deceptive to begin with), doesn't like to be told what to do, thinks it's free enough, denies that there's a problem, and won't admit to weakness. Now does that sound like a good friend to you?
Daniel 4:37 tells us that those who walk in pride will be humbled by the Lord! I don't reference this verse to scare us, but to help us realize the price we pay for our pride. Either we choose to humble ourselves, or the Lord will do the work Himself. You see, pride is one of the most dangerous strongholds to have because it conceals itself so beautifully. That's why we must rid ourselves of it before it brings us disgrace. And let's not fool ourselves, it WILL bring us disgrace eventually (Proverbs 13:10).
Oh Lord, give us a washing with Your Word!
"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
"Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up."
-James 4:6, 10
Are you as grateful as I am that we have a God who longs to lift us up? Who desires not that we be consumed, but that we be given grace through humility? Let's make a decision here and now, my Beloved, to humble ourselves before the Lord each and every day. To surrender our pride in exchange for humility and choose to receive the precious grace that awaits us. There is no better time to begin than right now, on our knees. Will you kneel beside me, friend? Let's let the Lord loosen these chains and show us what TRUE freedom feels like!

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