Ah... teachable moments. Ever have one of those? Yesterday was my day and it was FULL of them. You probably know it as well as I do... it's a day where we find ourselves searching for something in others that can only be found in the Lord. I hate it when I do that, don't you? Ever notice how we always come up short and end up revealing the weakness in us we've tried so hard to conceal from others? Well, yesterday was my day of airing out my spiritual "dirty laundry". Trust me, it wasn't enjoyable! Who likes doing laundry anyway?!

So, amidst yesterday's filth and the realization that the Lord has a lot more work to do in me than I thought, did I actually end up learning something? This I can answer with a definitive "YES!" You see, I learned that not only is it Christ ALONE who is capable of satisfying our inner most needs and longings, but that it's not healthy or right for us to expect anyone else to fulfill His role in our lives. I know that it can be challenging to grab hold of this truth, especially when we're in desperate need of a "tangible" connection, but we must realize that all of the counterfeits we create will only leave us feeling more empty inside. There is only one God and no one else will ever do.
I challenge you today, my friend, to reflect on the longings within you. Are they meant to be fulfilled by others or were they given to you in order that they may be filled by Christ and Christ alone? It's a question worth asking and one that can truly save our friendships and relationships with others.
Let's never forget... there is ONE God. No one else will do.