*Sigh*... do you ever have one of those days where all you feel like doing is sighing? Where, for one reason or another, your day has been so lousy that you wish you could just skip it altogether and wake up tomorrow?
"Answer me when I call to You, O my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress;
be merciful to me and hear my prayer."
~Psalm 4:1

What a beautiful and refreshing truth... that God's mercy is new every single morning. That's simply marvelous! BUT... what about this bad day? Is there any hope for recovery or is the only hope we have to go to bed early and start over again tomorrow? I mean, if God's mercy is new every morning, can it also be new every evening, or maybe even every hour? I can think of one place that will have the answer to that question...
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble."
~Psalm 46:1
You mean, God can extend His help and His new mercies ANY time of the day? Talk about a sigh of relief! I rarely get myself into a tizzy early in the morning, so I am definitely relieved to know that His promise extends throughout the day. Aren't you?
During my daily devotions today, the most needed Scripture I came across was Psalm 136. I encourage you to take a fresh look at it today and let these words especially sink in: "His love endures forever."
Chances are, you've heard this Psalm sung many times before and so the words may not be as meaningful to you at first glance, but if you'll put a personal touch to these Scriptures and insert your own very personal variables, I bet it will wash over you in a whole new way. I'll start... but then it's your turn.
I'll have times of joy and times of sorrow... but His love endures forever.
There'll be times of plenty and times of want... but His love endures forever.
My life may be stable and, at other times, shaky... but His love endures forever.
I will walk the right path or will choose the wrong one... but His love endures forever.
There'll be times to fight and times to surrender... but His love endures forever.
As you insert your own life challenges, my friends, don't forget to note the most important aspect of your relationship with God, for no matter what terrible troubles you may face in an hour, a day, or even an lifetime...

...and that's a promise. <3